Judging by our comments, last weeks puzzle managed to be somewhat more confounding than we had anticipated. Thus, we’re taking it a bit easier on y’all this week. However, just ’cause we’re taking a walk on the mild side doesn’t mean that we’re compromising on anything else that you are looking for. The puzzle is still themed, still filled with as much fresh vocabulary and innovative cluing as we can manage, and will hopefully still make you groan at least once and scratch your head at least once. If we can manage to inspire a chuckle or a curse, then we’ll really know that we’re on the right track.
We also notice that this is puzzle number 104. At one per week, this apparently means we’ve been giving you free puzzles for two full years now. Happy Birthday, or something like that. It’s been a long road, with lots of changes along the way, but its been a great time sharing with all of you.
Title: Early Deployment
Difficulty: Wednesday
Download: Across Lite or printable PNG (w/ solution)
I didn’t find them all that hard. But I must say it would help if you did not make typos or misspell words in your clues. For instance, “rabii” instead of “rabbi” in #61 from last Sept. All you need to do is read them over once and make sure you don’t have these errors. They are confusing. I’ve said this before. I’ve also said the printout of the puzzle should have the puzzle number and date on it. Both of these complaints have been ignored so far. Thank you.
Comment by Leslieann — July 9, 2009 @ 4:22 pm
Leslieann —
We are pleased that you have enjoyed our puzzles enough to work through all of them, flaws and all. We make an effort to make the puzzle correct and enjoyable, but we are not perfect. We also do not have the resources of the New York Times to hire professional editors. Each puzzle certainly *is* scanned multiple times, but this doesn’t prevent mistakes from slipping in.
As for your suggestions on formatting for the printable versions: they have been heard and noted, and will be considered. However, we reserve the right to choose how we present our own material.
Comment by keeper — July 10, 2009 @ 12:49 am