Welcome once again. Hopefully, you’ve got your #2 pencil sharpened and your books all stowed away, because it’s time to dive into a new crossword. This week’s crossword was inspired, oddly enough, from one of the advertisements that I’ve sometimes spotted on the side of this blog. I won’t tell you which one — that would give away the theme — but you’ll likely see it again if you keep your eye out. Why take a theme from such an odd source? Basically, you take your inspiration wherever you can get it.
This puzzle has not yet been rated by our loyal panel of reviewers, but you will most likely find it to be around a Tuesday/Wednesday difficulty level on the New York Times scale.
Once again, you can take your pick of two different formats: feel free to download either the Across Lite version or the printable PNG image. Either one is equally likely to contain your minimum RDA of OREOs, OLEO, and BRAISED EMU.