Title: Talking Smack
Difficulty: Wednesday
Download: Across Lite or printable PNG (w/ solution)
January 28, 2010
Puzzle #132: “Talking Smack”
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January 21, 2010
Puzzle #131: “Share of Salt”
Title: Share of Salt
Difficulty: Wednesday
Download: Across Lite or printable PNG (w/ solution)
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January 14, 2010
Puzzle #130: “One Dollar”
The title of the puzzle is “One Dollar”, but if you order right this minute, we can give it to you for the low, low discounted price of…. What’s that? We’re giving it away for free? Oh! Well, I guess I can’t offer you a discount then. Never mind. One the other hand, this week’s puzzle gives you 33% fewer “d”s than last week’s. Can we market it as a diet puzzle?
Title: One Dollar
Difficulty: Wednesday
Download: Across Lite or printable PNG (w/ solution)
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January 7, 2010
Puzzle #129: “Warped”
Title: Warped
Difficulty: Thursday
Download: Across Lite or printable PNG (w/ solution)
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