To be, or not to be. That is the question….that is better asked of a Shakespeare scholar than of this lowly puzzle constructor. Thus I’ll put away my slings and arrows; stop playing the lottery in hope of an outrageous fortune; and simply give you a crossword. Thus, you may take up pens against a sea of troublesome clues and, by scribbling in the boxes, solve them. And we have it on good authority that this weeks clues are indeed troublesome — our testers proclaimed the puzzle to be seriously abusive and rated it at a Saturday on the NYT difficulty scale. (Luckily, if such a challenge seems beyond you, we’ve prepared a simpler set of clues which you can find by following the “easy” links below. The choice is yours.)
Title: Existential Angst
Difficulty (hard): Saturday
Download (hard): Across Lite or printable PNG (w/ solution)
Difficulty (easy): Wednesday?
Download (easy): Across Lite or printable PNG