Beekeeper Crosswords Themed Puzzles from Beekeeper Labs

September 18, 2008

Puzzle #63: “The Pirate’s Revenge”

Filed under: Uncategorized — @ 11:00 pm

Ahoy, mateys.  Today be the 19th of September, and that means we be celebrating International Talk Like a Pirate Day.  Yarrrr!!!  Blow me ta the bilges if this weeks puzzle be not filled with properly piratical and nicely nautical turns of phrase.  And, of course, ye can bet your favorite Long-Johns against a chest of Silver that ye’ll be able to chart course with an appropriately adventurous theme ta boot.  Be that not a bonny treat for ya?

Also, for you scurvey sea-dogs what might ha’ missed it, ye can also be hunting down last year’s swashbucklingly salty entry.  Ye’ll be glad ye did.

Title: The Pirate’s Revenge
Difficulty: Wednesday
Download: Across Lite or printable PNG (w/ solution)


  1. […] The Pirates Revenge Crossword Puzzle @ Beekeepers Crosswords […]

    Pingback by » Blog Archive » Happy International Talk Like a Pirate Day — September 19, 2008 @ 1:06 pm

  2. Awesome. You can never have enough pirate-themed crosswords.

    Do you know about my applet for creating crosswords readers can solve in their browsers? It might be a nice addition to this site. You can find the details at my web site.

    Comment by Alex — September 19, 2008 @ 10:21 pm

  3. Alex —

    Thanks for the feedback.

    I’ve never really though about putting directly solvable applets into the blog, although I have thought about putting a solving applet on the main page for “this week’s puzzle”. Certainly there is nothing to keep me from distributing it in as many forms as people like — I just don’t want to clutter up the post with versions that people will never use. I’ll therefore go ahead and ask whether any other readers have an opinion:

    1) Would you like to see an on-line solvable applet version in each blog post?
    2) Would you like to see an on-line solvable applet version on a stand-alone “this week’s puzzle” page?
    3) Would you like to see PDF files in addition to image files?
    4) Are there any other forms of presentation I’ve missed? I already added solution keys according to a user suggestion, and they seem to be proving popular.

    BTW, Alex, I did just take a look at your applet generator, and the generated interface and appearance are very nice! Definitely worth pointing out to folks.

    Comment by keeper — September 19, 2008 @ 11:03 pm

  4. Ahoy, mateys! Those who can solve this puzzle must become the Pirate King! Whew! Great post!

    Comment by Beekeeping — December 7, 2009 @ 5:13 am

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