If it wasn’a for the weavers, what would ye do?
Ye wouldn’a hae a cloth that’s made o’ wool.
Ye wouldn’a hae a coat o’ the black or the blue,
If it wasn’a for the work o’ the weavers.
This puzzle is in honor of my (soon to be) favorite Pittsburgh area yarn and knitting shop, Natural Stitches, which will most likely be opening its doors this Saturday, November 17. (Contrary to the title of the puzzle, the shop does not provide weaving supplies, but provides most everything else you might want “to feed your fiber fantasies”.) It also goes out to the various knitting, weaving, crocheting and other fiber arts blogs that provide such an active voice in the greater blogosphere. Hopefully y’all will find it interesting. For my regular audience, you’ll find that all the usual guarantees apply: this is a full, classic, themed puzzle in the NYT style, with roughly a Monday/Tuesday difficulty level.
The puzzle is available in two easy to use downloadable forms: as an Across Lite file, or as a printable PNG image. Take your pick, click, and enjoy.
[…] week’s puzzle, The Work of the Weavers, was built to honor the BeeKeeper’s local knitting shop, Natural Stitches. What a great, and […]
Pingback by Beekeeper Printable Crosswords « Printable Crosswords — November 15, 2007 @ 11:02 am
Really good and really interesting post. I expect (and other readers maybe :)) new useful posts from you!
Good luck and successes in blogging!
Comment by HeavyGod — November 27, 2007 @ 4:30 am