Beekeeper Crosswords Themed Puzzles from Beekeeper Labs

April 1, 2010

Puzzle #140: “Building Up Business”

Filed under: Uncategorized — @ 4:20 am

Well, here we are with puzzle #140. As previously announced, we are now moving from our “every week (almost) without fail” publishing schedule to a “when we’re inspired” schedule. This will almost definitely mean that puzzles appear less often, but it will give us more time to undertake new and exciting projects. All told, the collected puzzles produced over the last 2.5 years total about 4 man-months of construction time; somewhere between 10 and 50 hours of solving enjoyment (depending upon your solving speed); and nearly 5000 black squares. All in all, not a puny effort.

Thanks for joining us along the way, and we hope to see you around in the future.

Title: Building Up Business
Difficulty: Wednesday
Download: Across Lite or printable PNG (w/ solution)

March 30, 2010

Announcement: Suspending weekly updates

Filed under: Uncategorized — @ 3:17 pm

I’m sorry to have to announce it, but after the next puzzle (#140), Beekeeper Crosswords will be going on hiatus.  We’ve had a marvelous time, but after more than 2 1/2 years, we’re finding that other endeavors have to take priority.  (When we started, Beekeeper Labs was a start-up in search of a product.  Now we’re supporting 5 apps and working on new ones, and the support time is starting to cut into our crossword time.  Since we aren’t willing to give up supporting our software, something else has to slip.)

We aren’t going away entirely.  You’ll still have a stock of 140 old puzzles to revisit, and we hope to post new ones on occasion.  We just won’t stick to a fixed schedule any longer.  If you want to be automatically notified of new postings, we recommend that you look at our RSS feed.  It’ll keep you up to date without you having to do any extra work.

You’ve been a great audience.  Good night; thanks for coming; and don’t forget to tip your waitress.

March 24, 2010

Puzzle #139: “Risky Business”

Filed under: Uncategorized — @ 11:36 pm

Title: Risky Business
Difficulty: Thursday
Download: Across Lite or printable PNG (w/ solution)

March 18, 2010

Puzzle #138: “The Wrath of….”

Filed under: Uncategorized — @ 3:22 am

What’s that you say? Saint Patrick’s Day? Green Beer? Erin’s gold bra? Sorry, boyo, this ain’t no parade — it’s a crossword. We considered giving you your annual dose of hearts, stars, moons, clovers, horseshoes, klein bottles, and whatever else that danged leprechaun is lacing our cereal with these days, but we decided that by the time this puzzle came out you’d have already had your fill and would be nursing the hangover. Thus, this puzzle is almost entirely Irish-free, though we did let a few Scotsmen wander through to provide some local color.

Title: The Wrath of….
Difficulty: Wednesday
Download: Across Lite or printable PNG (w/ solution)

March 11, 2010

Puzzle #137: “Medicine Show”

Filed under: Uncategorized — @ 4:05 am

Let it never be said that we here at Beekeeper Labs never take you anywhere. Last week we went to the disco. This week, it’s off to see our friendly snake oil salesman at the traveling medicine show. It’s guaranteed to cure what ails you, or you’ll get back double what we charged for the puzzle. (Warranty void in some states. Always read the fine print even when it doesn’t say anything useful. Fnord.)

Title: Medicine Show
Difficulty: Thursday
Download: Across Lite or printable PNG (w/ solution)

March 4, 2010

Puzzle #136: “Dance Fever”

Filed under: Uncategorized — @ 6:30 am

As promised last week, we have fixed all problems (technical and otherwise) which were preventing us from supplying you with a tasty weekly crossword. We’ve been scheming all week to try to come up with a splendiferous theme to justify the wait. What we came up with, however, is mostly just….odd. However, it does contain your RDA of bad puns, obscure references, geography lessons, FLAs (we don’t like three letter abbrevs much, but we can groove on four), and such like.

Title: Dance Fever
Difficulty: Thursday
Download: Across Lite or printable PNG (w/ solution)

February 24, 2010

No puzzle for Feb 25

Filed under: Uncategorized — @ 11:03 pm

Sorry folks, but it looks like there won’t be a puzzle this week. Things were going well, and this weeks puzzle was 80% finished, when I found that there was a fundamental, unfixable flaw in the theme. We care about quality here at Beekeeper Crosswords, even more than we care about our schedule, so we’re going to drop back 10 yards and try to come up with a particularly good puzzle for next week, rather than make you suffer with a broken or rushed puzzle this week.

February 18, 2010

Puzzle #135: “Chill”

Filed under: Uncategorized — @ 12:18 am

Perhaps this week’s puzzle is inauspiciously named. After all, it has been quite chilly enough in this part of Western PA without any encouragement from your faithful puzzle provider. Nonetheless, it is what it is — and what it is is a reasonably easy, and yet charmingly annoying Wednesday-level puzzle. So put on a warm jacket, brew yourself a nice cup of tea, and prepare to “chill”.

Title: Chill
Difficulty: Wednesday
Download: Across Lite or printable PNG (w/ solution)

February 11, 2010

Puzzle #134: “That is to Say…”

Filed under: Uncategorized — @ 11:54 pm

Title: That is to say….
Difficulty: Thursday
Download: Across Lite or printable PNG (w/ solution)

February 4, 2010

Puzzle #133: Old Uncle Fred’s Tech Support

Filed under: Uncategorized — @ 9:12 am

When my family heard I’d been having computer trouble, they immediately sent Uncle Fred to take a look. You see, Fred’s ’bout 90 years old and they say he can fix anything. If you’ve got a shotgun with a bad barrel, he can fix ‘er up good as new. If you’ve got a ’57 Chevy with a bad carburetor, Fred’ll have it purrin’ like a kitten. If those dang kids have broken the dial on your TV set, he’ll jigger up a replacement, no problem. I’m not so sure he’ll do as well with my Windows PC, though. You see, last I heard, Fred still thinks a vacuum tube is an attachment for his Electrolux….

Title: Old Uncle Fred’s Tech Support
Difficulty: Thursday
Download: Across Lite or printable PNG (w/ solution)

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